Friday, November 29, 2013

3 months isn't a long time . . . really

So yeah, it's been a while since I last blogged, mostly because I got a new job! Yay new job! This is not to say that I did not love working for LifeTouch, because I really did enjoy that job, it's just that this new job is pretty cool too.

I am now working as an AmeriCorps volunteer with a Legal Services program here in upstate New York, and it is fantastic! I did not pass the bar <insert month of depression and angst here> but thankfully that was not a requirement for my employment, so now I'm sort of a cross between a legal secretary, a research assistant, and just a general secretary. I work with one, well starting Monday it will be two, other AmeriCorps volunteers and it's pretty much the best thing ever.

I found out about AmeriCorps as a result of a friend of mine who is working in Vermont helping kids. She is such a lovely person that I thought anything that was cool enough to have Daron doing it must require looking into. Which I did, and for a while there was a question whether I might move to Seattle with the Corps, but that fell through, and thankfully so. I ended up only having a medium sized commute of about an hour down the road. So I'm excited about that.

The beauty of fall in the Northeast
I've still been photographing, although these were taken a while ago. Autumn in my hometown is always beautiful. We may not have the mystique of Vermont, but the Endless Mountains and the foothills of the Adirondacks are just as charming.

darn telephone wires
DIY Frida!
 I was Frida Kahlo for Halloween this year, at a delightful costume party a friend threw. I was copying this picture of Ms. Kahlo:

and I think that I did a pretty good job. I sort of combined some of the elements that she wore, and everyone knew exactly who I was supposed to be, so that worked out.

The Lonely Tree Shawl!
 I finished this beautiful shawl a while ago, and I adore it. I've worn it to several nice dress occasions and received quite a few compliments each time.
I like to think that it was trying to hug the tree
The first time that I wore the shawl was to Corning Glass Museum's 2300 program with the Legal Assistance crowd of young lawyers. Thankfully they've taken me in as one of their own, which is nice, despite my lack of bar passage. But it's still good to hang around with the young attorneys. It's a bit like being back at school, which I enjoy.

The Corning 2300 was so much fun. We attended the night with big band music, which was a lot of fun. Sadly we did no actual dancing, just talking and wandering and some food and beer tasting. Which was fun.

Most recently my mum and I went to Cayuga Lake for Thanksgiving, where we wandered around some of the state parks. I took these pictures:
snowy and icy dock, watch your step!

a tiny lighthouse!

ice! cold!
more tiny lighthouse! with bonus picnic benches!
We had so much fun, and we drove up to the Montezuma Wildlife Preserve and had our Thanksgiving lunch/dinner/picnic. We ate in the car because it was really really cold out. As you can see from the pictures above, there was ice and snow all over the place, and  even though some had melted in the sun the day before, it was still very cold. We had fun though, because we like to have adventures when other people are doing traditional things. Two years ago for Christmas, when we were living in Florida we opened gifts and then we rode our bikes all over Marco Island on Christmas morning. It was one of the happiest Christmases I think I've had in a long time.

Speaking of Christmas, we decorated the Christmas tree today, because now that Thanksgiving is over I can fully immerse everyone around me in Christmas joy and no one can complain because finally, finally, finally, Christmas is the next holiday! At least for me, I know that Hanukkah is currently going on, so if you celebrate Hanukkah, Happy Hanukkah! For me, up next, CHRISTMAS TIME!!!
Pretty pretty Christmas Tree!

Santa's in the window

Stockings, and snowmen, and nutcrackers, Oh my!

Elf on a Shelf, vintage style!
So Happy slightly belated Thanksgiving everyone, I'll see you soon!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Hummingbird Wars

I have been studying out on my front porch, prepping for the GRE's, and have noticed something rather unusual. There are three hummingbirds trying to eat at our feeder, but they seem incapable of sharing, and so are engaging in all out war for control. I had no idea that hummingbirds, when they battle, spread out their tiny little tail feathers and making this really loud clicking and humming sound. It's both adorable, because they are so tiny, and also terrifying. I have been trying to get a picture, but they move so fast that it's almost impossible.

I did, however, get a picture of the road where I run:

If you look carefully, you can see the moon!
 I'm trying to take some more pictures, as my new job, although not a "creative photography" job, still is going to involve me taking pictures all day, and I want to feel more comfortable with a camera. I know that these are from my phone, but that's because I can't seem to get my good digital camera to turn on. I've tried new batteries, I tried new high tech batteries, nothing. It was turned on, and then the batteries died with the lens open and extended, and now nothing will turn it on. It's very frustrating.
I found Mr. Weasley's car!
 So for now, just cell phone pictures of things I see, and places I go. The car picture comes from an area of the road where there was this ancient house that had all plants growing in it, which sadly (or fortunately, I suppose, for the people who lived across from it) burned down this spring. The car is hiding in the bushes, and I can't help thinking that the Flying Ford Anglia of Harry Potter fame gave up on England and flew itself to America after the Voldemort was defeated, and found a new home in our woods.

It's that time of year again, time to hay the field!
The farmer down the road has started haying in all of the fields around our house. He seems to be the only one who owns a haying machine and baler. But it's entertaining to watch them go up and down, and end up with the big round bales of hay.

But, where will I sleep?
Last night, I walked into my room to get ready for bed, and found this bundle of adorableness. It was interesting sleeping with both cats on the bed. What you can't necessarily see is that they are about a foot up from the bottom of the bed, and manage to take up almost the whole width of where they are sleeping. Good thing I sleep curled up anyway. Good thing for them, I mean. They were just too cute to remove from my bed.

Well, once they're felted, they'll look like something, right?
Behold, my latest knitting project. French Press Felted Slippers for my mom for Christmas. Hopefully! They're almost done, the last bit that is on the needles is the final bottom of the foot, so hopefully I'll be able to get that done tonight, seam them up sometime soon, and felt them. Not sure if I want to risk doing that in our washing machine, or just go down to the laundro-mat and felt them there. I guess I'll decide that once I've seamed them up. Also, looking at the photo, the color of the yarn is much more teal than blue. This picture, to me, looks like a royal blue, but the yarn is actually a nice teal. It's Patons' Classic Wool Roving, in case anyone wants to know.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I leave you with this: a photo of my cat judging me for waking him up to shove a camera in his face. You're welcome! :-)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

You get a hat! You get a hat! You get a Humpback Whale, I mean, You get a hat!

So, I've been busy since I last posted. Mostly studying and such, but I did manage to finish a knitting project that a friend of mine commissioned me to do. She requested a yellow hat that was "slouchy."

Oddly enough, when she asked me to make her a hat, I forgot to ask her what color she wanted the hat to be.  I was at the yarn store trying to pick something and realized that I had no idea what color she wanted, so I texted her. In the meantime, I wanted to get something because I was running late for knit night, so I thought about her, and her style, grabbed some yellow yarn (she has beautiful red hair and wears lots of bright colors, including yellow) and left. While I was at knit night, she texted me back with the yellow and slouchy requirements. I felt pretty awesome, I must say.

So here is me, wearing the hat.

Please ignore my badly framed and styled photo :-\
 The pattern is Icing Swirl Hat by Ysolda Teague. So very cute, and it looks better now that I have blocked it (it is not blocked properly in the above picture, sorry!). I used Vickie Howell's Sheepish yarn for this hat. Here's a linky! to my ravelry page about this project.

I also finished The Robin's Egg Blue Hat, which I think is super cute! This one's for me.
Super stylin'
This one was Lamb's Pride Bulky, and linky! to my ravelry. And I was very excited, I found an extra American Eagle Outfitters button from a jacket that I have for the button band. So yay. Free button!

I leave for the bar exam the day after tomorrow. I shall have exciting stories. Not really, nothing exciting ever really happens, unless someone loses it or faints or something. And I really hope that doesn't happen because it is really distracting. And I feel like a horrible person for saying it, but there is literally nothing you can do, because you don't get extra time unless it is something like a fire, or electricity out. And the paramedics and proctors take care of it, but you can't help but feel like there is something you should be doing. How do I know, you ask? Well, let me tell you. When I took the bar in Florida (my first time) a girl about three rows back stood up to go to the bathroom or something, and promptly passed out on the floor. Paramedics had to take her to hospital and it was just very strange all around. I felt bad, but what can you do. Soldier on, I guess.

Anyway, I think I've found the next pattern that I would like to knit: Tucked Buttonband Cardigan from knit.wear.
Super cute!
I have some orange yarn from last fall's Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool that I want to knit before this year's Rhinebeck, and I think that this would make the perfect Rhinebeck sweater.

Also, my mother will think that I am nutso if I go to Rhinebeck again and have not knitted with the yarn that I bought there last year.

That's about all that I can think of, except to ask for good wishes on my trip. Oh, one last thing, I cannot recommend My Fitness Pal enough for tracking food and exercise! I've lost over 10 lbs since I started using it. It keeps me very honest about what I eat and the exercise that I do. Making myself see the calorie count of a Frappuccino or Dunkin' Donuts morning sandwich really makes me think twice about it.

So that's it, I'm pretty sure. I'll see you later sometime, possibly after the bar, maybe before. Have fun!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Post 1 of Many to come

Soooooo, here goes nothing . . . again.

I've tried blogging before and sometimes it works out for a while, and sometimes it does not work out at all.

I have a new goal, though, so maybe this will stick. I am going to begin training for our local triathlon. The one I plan on doing will be next summer. I figure, I want to have a goal, but I am also realistic, and I know that I have a long way to go before I could even dream of doing an entire tri.

So for now, I have started swim training, every morning I swim for an hour with my workout buddy, Leslie. Who is the epitome of awesome for putting up with my only-barely-caffeinated self every morning.

I also cycle several times a week, and once I finish studying for the bar (oh yeah, there's that in there too), then I'm going to start running training as well.

So that's the plan then.

some flowers seen on a recent hike in the woods

About me: I'm 26 years old (almost 27), I currently weigh 258 lbs. and I'm 5'8" tall. So, like I said, good way to go before I'll be ready for a triathlon, but I'm getting there.  Also, I'm keeping track of everything on, where I am rst4091, so feel free to come say hi there!

The hills where I cycle - feel the burn!

I hope that anyone reading enjoys my travails as I work towards my goal!