Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Hummingbird Wars

I have been studying out on my front porch, prepping for the GRE's, and have noticed something rather unusual. There are three hummingbirds trying to eat at our feeder, but they seem incapable of sharing, and so are engaging in all out war for control. I had no idea that hummingbirds, when they battle, spread out their tiny little tail feathers and making this really loud clicking and humming sound. It's both adorable, because they are so tiny, and also terrifying. I have been trying to get a picture, but they move so fast that it's almost impossible.

I did, however, get a picture of the road where I run:

If you look carefully, you can see the moon!
 I'm trying to take some more pictures, as my new job, although not a "creative photography" job, still is going to involve me taking pictures all day, and I want to feel more comfortable with a camera. I know that these are from my phone, but that's because I can't seem to get my good digital camera to turn on. I've tried new batteries, I tried new high tech batteries, nothing. It was turned on, and then the batteries died with the lens open and extended, and now nothing will turn it on. It's very frustrating.
I found Mr. Weasley's car!
 So for now, just cell phone pictures of things I see, and places I go. The car picture comes from an area of the road where there was this ancient house that had all plants growing in it, which sadly (or fortunately, I suppose, for the people who lived across from it) burned down this spring. The car is hiding in the bushes, and I can't help thinking that the Flying Ford Anglia of Harry Potter fame gave up on England and flew itself to America after the Voldemort was defeated, and found a new home in our woods.

It's that time of year again, time to hay the field!
The farmer down the road has started haying in all of the fields around our house. He seems to be the only one who owns a haying machine and baler. But it's entertaining to watch them go up and down, and end up with the big round bales of hay.

But, where will I sleep?
Last night, I walked into my room to get ready for bed, and found this bundle of adorableness. It was interesting sleeping with both cats on the bed. What you can't necessarily see is that they are about a foot up from the bottom of the bed, and manage to take up almost the whole width of where they are sleeping. Good thing I sleep curled up anyway. Good thing for them, I mean. They were just too cute to remove from my bed.

Well, once they're felted, they'll look like something, right?
Behold, my latest knitting project. French Press Felted Slippers for my mom for Christmas. Hopefully! They're almost done, the last bit that is on the needles is the final bottom of the foot, so hopefully I'll be able to get that done tonight, seam them up sometime soon, and felt them. Not sure if I want to risk doing that in our washing machine, or just go down to the laundro-mat and felt them there. I guess I'll decide that once I've seamed them up. Also, looking at the photo, the color of the yarn is much more teal than blue. This picture, to me, looks like a royal blue, but the yarn is actually a nice teal. It's Patons' Classic Wool Roving, in case anyone wants to know.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I leave you with this: a photo of my cat judging me for waking him up to shove a camera in his face. You're welcome! :-)

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