Friday, November 29, 2013

3 months isn't a long time . . . really

So yeah, it's been a while since I last blogged, mostly because I got a new job! Yay new job! This is not to say that I did not love working for LifeTouch, because I really did enjoy that job, it's just that this new job is pretty cool too.

I am now working as an AmeriCorps volunteer with a Legal Services program here in upstate New York, and it is fantastic! I did not pass the bar <insert month of depression and angst here> but thankfully that was not a requirement for my employment, so now I'm sort of a cross between a legal secretary, a research assistant, and just a general secretary. I work with one, well starting Monday it will be two, other AmeriCorps volunteers and it's pretty much the best thing ever.

I found out about AmeriCorps as a result of a friend of mine who is working in Vermont helping kids. She is such a lovely person that I thought anything that was cool enough to have Daron doing it must require looking into. Which I did, and for a while there was a question whether I might move to Seattle with the Corps, but that fell through, and thankfully so. I ended up only having a medium sized commute of about an hour down the road. So I'm excited about that.

The beauty of fall in the Northeast
I've still been photographing, although these were taken a while ago. Autumn in my hometown is always beautiful. We may not have the mystique of Vermont, but the Endless Mountains and the foothills of the Adirondacks are just as charming.

darn telephone wires
DIY Frida!
 I was Frida Kahlo for Halloween this year, at a delightful costume party a friend threw. I was copying this picture of Ms. Kahlo:

and I think that I did a pretty good job. I sort of combined some of the elements that she wore, and everyone knew exactly who I was supposed to be, so that worked out.

The Lonely Tree Shawl!
 I finished this beautiful shawl a while ago, and I adore it. I've worn it to several nice dress occasions and received quite a few compliments each time.
I like to think that it was trying to hug the tree
The first time that I wore the shawl was to Corning Glass Museum's 2300 program with the Legal Assistance crowd of young lawyers. Thankfully they've taken me in as one of their own, which is nice, despite my lack of bar passage. But it's still good to hang around with the young attorneys. It's a bit like being back at school, which I enjoy.

The Corning 2300 was so much fun. We attended the night with big band music, which was a lot of fun. Sadly we did no actual dancing, just talking and wandering and some food and beer tasting. Which was fun.

Most recently my mum and I went to Cayuga Lake for Thanksgiving, where we wandered around some of the state parks. I took these pictures:
snowy and icy dock, watch your step!

a tiny lighthouse!

ice! cold!
more tiny lighthouse! with bonus picnic benches!
We had so much fun, and we drove up to the Montezuma Wildlife Preserve and had our Thanksgiving lunch/dinner/picnic. We ate in the car because it was really really cold out. As you can see from the pictures above, there was ice and snow all over the place, and  even though some had melted in the sun the day before, it was still very cold. We had fun though, because we like to have adventures when other people are doing traditional things. Two years ago for Christmas, when we were living in Florida we opened gifts and then we rode our bikes all over Marco Island on Christmas morning. It was one of the happiest Christmases I think I've had in a long time.

Speaking of Christmas, we decorated the Christmas tree today, because now that Thanksgiving is over I can fully immerse everyone around me in Christmas joy and no one can complain because finally, finally, finally, Christmas is the next holiday! At least for me, I know that Hanukkah is currently going on, so if you celebrate Hanukkah, Happy Hanukkah! For me, up next, CHRISTMAS TIME!!!
Pretty pretty Christmas Tree!

Santa's in the window

Stockings, and snowmen, and nutcrackers, Oh my!

Elf on a Shelf, vintage style!
So Happy slightly belated Thanksgiving everyone, I'll see you soon!